Moral reconation therapy is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) used to teach abstinence and is a relapse prevention measure for people in recovery. During sessions in addiction treatment settings, groups or individual meet on a regular basis weekly for about three to six months. The meetings are used to encourage positive moral reasoning skills to reduce destructive behaviors.
Moral reconation therapy takes components from varied psychological therapies. Social, moral and behavioral therapies are also used. Exercises in workbooks are performed in and out of meetings and reviewed in MRT meetings. The Moral Reconation Therapy Workbook specifies 16 objectively defined units.
The seven basic treatment objectives are:
To get a better understanding on this therapy option, contact Drug Treatment Naples at (877) 804-1531 today for more information on treatment options.
G.L. Little and K.D. Robinson did a study measuring the effectiveness of MRT. Alcohol abusers and drug users with low moral reasoning skills were studied. A group of 102 individuals attended MRT. Once the group completed the course, it was found levels of moral reasoning were improved. MRT encouraged the participants to stay with and complete the MRT itself and attendance of other therapies was improved as well. It also was found that MRT works better in smaller groups. MRT was found be more effective in the short term, which creates a need for continuation and repetition of MRT over a longer period of time in treatment centers.
When low moral reasoning is the foundation for making judgements about what is right and wrong, counseling, punishment and training have little to no effect on modifying bad judgement. Those with low moral reasoning need to be confronted over the specific consequences of their behaviors and how it affects themselves and those around them. Poor moral reasoning and the resulting poor decisions are common in substance abusers.
MRT's goals are to examine these existing beliefs and the resulting reasoning. Actions to modify these existing beliefs are developed in counseling. Individuals then change their reasoning and begin making positive judgments based on what's right and wrong. Substance abusers are seen as people whose problems are a direct result of low levels of moral reasoning. The word "moral" is how a person decides what actions to take when faced with a situation and doesn't have a religious connotation.
Drug treatment centers use MRT to modify reasoning when individuals are faced with making decisions based on moral judgements. The main focus is using moral reasoning to avoid abusing substances. The goal is an individual recognizes that abusing substances is a judgement to be avoided due to the resulting harmful consequences. The substance abuser learns coping skills to avoid using illicit substances. They also learn to seek treatment immediately in case of a relapse to minimize harmful consequences.
Drug treatment centers are available throughout the country. Many offer personalized, effective treatment plans in substance abuse therapy and relapse prevention plans. Programs are formulated to fit an individual's needs as behavioral therapy is used as a core treatment. Recovery programs can assist the user and lead them toward a life of sobriety.
Call now to stop the suffering from substance abuse. Qualified addiction specialists are standing by to take calls and answer questions. Call to discuss what treatment options can work best for you can. End the cycle of addiction today. Help is only a phone call away. Call Drug Treatment Naples at (877) 804-1531.